This measure is a great first step to eliminating extremism poisoning public discourse. Voters on all sides should vote yes.
People began betting on which political party would win control of Congress in the November elections within minutes of a ...
Groups launching text banking, post-card writing and billboards favoring no-excuse absentee voting referendum in Connecticut.
We’re not seeing a big movement for the No vote; we’re seeing a massive movement for Yes. That makes me feel really proud. If the No vote succeeds, it will be devastating for a lot of First ...
Without the $8 million provided by a YES vote the budget cuts will amount to $18 million, a magnitude of service losses that I believe is far too severe for residents to bear. There are no quick ...
as a tool to lambaste anyone considering voting for Donald Trump ... Under Trump there was: — No war in Ukraine. — No war in Gaza. — Inflation was under control. — The border was secure.
With election day about two months away, Floridians will have to decide not only who they will choose to occupy the White ...
A residential street in Bayside was closed on Monday evening to accommodate the substantial crowd of residents who showed up ...
And many of them know too well that voting in a free election is but a dream ... That is our duty as Americans, no matter where we were born. We welcome your thoughts in a letter to the editor.
California voters will be asked this fall to expand rent control with a statewide ballot measure similar to ones they rejected in 2018 and 2020 by 19 and 20 points respectively.The same ...
A coalition of groups supporting a referendum on no-excuse absentee voting in Connecticut launched a public campaign Thursday to encourage people to vote “yes” on the proposal during the ...