This measure is a great first step to eliminating extremism poisoning public discourse. Voters on all sides should vote yes.
Groups launching text banking, post-card writing and billboards favoring no-excuse absentee voting referendum in Connecticut.
There are seven statewide ballot questions in South Dakota's Nov. 5 general election. (Getty Images) Whether he knows it or not, Chris Larson is channeling Nancy Reagan. Mrs. Reagan asked us to “just ...
California voters will be asked this fall to expand rent control with a statewide ballot measure similar to ones they rejected in 2018 and 2020 by 19 and 20 points respectively.The same ...
But while some are saying ‘vote yes,’ others are chanting ‘vote no.’ Expanding 526 has become controversial among many county residents. Some argue the project will do the exact opposite o ...
which lists no specific author. The current ballot language includes lines such as the proposed amendment "would establish a new taxpayer-funded commission of appointees required to gerrymander ...
Mrs. Reagan asked us to “just say no to drugs.” Larson is asking us ... “Don’t California Our South Dakota.” It’s as if a yes vote on any of these issues would turn us all into a ...
A coalition of groups supporting a referendum on no-excuse absentee voting in Connecticut launched a public campaign Thursday to encourage people to vote “yes” on the proposal during the ...
As a Floridian, I will be voting YES on Amendment 3 this November ... The main group opposing the marijuana ballot measure, Vote No on 3, has argued the amendment is written in a way that ...